Research Article | Open Access

Length-Weight Relationship and Morphometric Analysis of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838) from the Dal Lake of Kashmir Himalaya

    Durdana Qazi

    Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Ifrah Rashid

    Division of Fisheries Resource Management, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Syed Zainab Jalali

    Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Asim Iqbal Bazaz

    Division of Fisheries Resource Management, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Saima Andleeb

    Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Azra Shah

    Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Mohd Ashraf Rather

    Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

    Irfan Ahmad

    Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Fisheries, Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil, India

12 Feb, 2023
24 Jul, 2023
30 Sep, 2023

Background and Objective: Crossocheilus diplochilus (C. diplochilus) locally known as “Tether” is an endemic fish of Kashmir Valley. The length-weight relationship is one of the standard methods that yield authentic biological information and is of great importance in fishery assessments. Morphometric studies have been the primary source for taxonomic and evolutionary studies. To accurately manage fish populations, it is necessary to estimate their growth rates through the study of morphometric traits. This study was conducted in order to obtain information about the somatic growth of fish. Materials and Methods: Morphometric characters were measured by using fish measuring board and Vernier Calipers for accuracy to the nearest millimeter. The weight of the fish was measured using an electronic weighing balance. Results: The specimens examined in this study ranged in size from 81.9 to 119.7 mm in length and 5-13.5 g in weight. Length-weight relationship of Crossocheilus diplochilus revealed negative allometric growth with b value <3. The Log W = -4.8819+2.9072 Log L is the calculated and expressed form of the length-weight relationship equation. Standard length and fork length had the highest correlations with total length, at 0.853 and 0.842, respectively. Correlation analysis revealed that all morphometric characters changed proportionally as total length increased. Conclusion: The findings of this study, offer the fundamental details on the morphometric traits and length-weight parameters of Dal Lake’s Crossocheilus diplochilus, which may aid in the straightforward identification of the fish species and could be used to study fish population dynamics and growth patterns.

Copyright © 2023 Qazi et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


The Dal Lake is located at an elevation of 1584 m above sea level between 34°5' and 34°6'N latitude and 74°8' and 74°12'E longitude1. Since ancient times, the lake, sometimes referred to as the "liquid heart" of Srinagar City, has been an indispensable fishery resource for the people of the valley, particularly Srinagar City2. Many native and exotic fish species, including schizothoracines, carps and trouts, as well as a number of small fish species, such as Triplophysa, Crossocheilus and Gambusia, have habitats in these water bodies3,4. The genus Crossocheilus belongs to the family Cyprinidae, which includes various carps and minnows. This fish can be found in a variety of habitats, but it is most frequently found in streams, reservoirs and rivers with swift currents and rocky bottoms5. Due to its small size, this fish has little commercial significance. It contributes significantly to the aquatic food chain and preserves ecological balance because it is preyed upon by large carnivorous fish. The fish has been designated as least concerned (LC) under the IUCN (2010) criteria. The freshwater benthopelagic fish Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel), also known as Kashmir latia, is widely distributed in Kashmiri waters. The fish grows to a maximum length of about 10-17 cm6,7. This fish can be found in a variety of habitats, but it typically prefers lakes and the banks of major rivers, it does not migrate up to cold water tributaries. It typically consumes epilithic growth, such as diatoms, filamentous algae and organic debris. This species has 36-38 lateral line scales, two pairs of barbells and an inferior mouth. Since this fish serves as a crucial food source for many commercially significant food fish species, studies of this species are required.

Shape, size, meristic counts and morphological measurements provide information that is helpful for taxonomic status8. In comparison to other vertebrates, fish typically exhibit greater variation in morphological traits both within and between populations and they are more highly susceptible to morphological changes brought on by the environment individual well-being and the potential differences between different unit stocks of the same species can be evaluated using the morphometric relationships between different fish body parts9,10. Fish are very sensitive to changes in their environment and they quickly adjust by changing the necessary morphometrics11. For taxonomic work, knowledge of fish morphometric measurements and research into their statistical relationships are crucial12. Morphometric characters can be used to identify the traits that are genetically controlled and those that are influenced by the environment13,14. Based on the difference in range, the various morphometric characters have been, numerous morphometric characteristics have been classified as genetically (limited range), intermediate (moderate range) and environmentally (wide range) regulated character15. To manage a fishery effectively, it is necessary to understand the relationship between length and weight16. The ability to estimate the average weight of fish in a given length group, evaluate the well-beingof individuals and identify potential variations between separate unit stocks of the same species make this relationship crucial to fisheries biology17. The standard method for quantifying growth in fisheries is to fit statistical models to data. Additionally, fisheries scientists can transform growth-in-length equations into growth-in-weight stock assessment models by using length-weight relationships. The goal of the current investigation was to gather information regarding the length weight and morphometric characteristics of the fish Crossocheilus diplochilus (Hamilton-Buchanan) found in Dal Lake, Srinagar, India.


Collection of fish sample: The present study was conducted from August, 2022 to February, 2023. From the Dal Lake, a total of 40 Crossocheilus diplochilus specimens were obtained. A simple random sample that was representative of each length group was taken. The collected samples were brought to the Fish Genetics and Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries, SKUAST-K in ice boxesfor Biological Analysis.

Length-weight relationship: The primary objective of length-weight data analysis is to mathematically describe the relationship between length and weight so that one can be converted to the other18. Additionally, it calculates a fish's deviation from its expected weight for its length. The conventional formula W = aLb, as described by Le Cren ED18, was used to perform the calculations. Before the calculations, the equation (above mentioned) and data were logarithmically translated. As a result, the formula obtains Log W = log a+b log L. Where W and L represent total body weight in grams and length in millimeters, respectively and a and b are the functional regression coefficients between W and L.

Morphometric analysis: By using fish measuring board and Vernier Calipers, morphometric characters were measured for accuracy to the nearest millimeter as described by various authors. Morphometric characters were measured by using fish measuring board and Vernier Calipers for accuracy to the nearest millimeter as described by various scientists19-22.

The 14 morphometric characteristics listed below were measured:

  Total length (TL): Measurement from the extreme tip of the snout to the tip of the caudal fin
  Standard length (SL): The length/distance between the tip of the snout and the base of the caudal fin
  Fork length (FL): Distance between the tip of the snout and the extreme end of the median caudal fin rays
  Head length (HL): Distance between the tip of the snout and the operculum's posterior border
  Pre-dorsal length (PDL): Distance between the tip of the snout and the anterior edge of the base of the dorsal fin
  Pre-pectoral length (PPCL): Distance from the tip of the snout to the anterior margin of the base of the pectoral fin
  Pre-pelvic length (PPVL): Distance from the tip of the snout to the anterior margin of the base of the pelvic fin
  Pre-anal length (PAL): Distance from the tip of the snout to the origin of the anal fin
  Dorsal fin length (DFL): Distance from the fin base of the dorsal fin to the tip of the dorsal fin
  Pectoral fin length (PCFL): Distance from the fin base of the pectoral fin to the tip of the pectoral fin
  Pelvic fin length (PVFL): Distance from the fin base of the pelvic fin to the tip of the pelvic fin
  Anal fin length (AFL): Distance from the fin base of the anal fin to the tip of the anal fin
  Body depth (BD): Overall maximum vertical length of the body (the deepest section of the body)
  Maximum eye diameter (ED): Distance separating the anterior and posterior margins of the eyes

Statistical analysis: The data was analyzed using MS Excel and SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science). The basis descriptive statistics were calculated for morphometric measurements. Correlation analysis was applied to see the linear and non-linear relationships between various parameters at a significance level of p<0.05.


Length-weight relationship: A total of 40 specimens of C. diplochilus in length range 81.9 to 119.7 mm and weightrange 5 to 13.5 g were analyzed for length-weight relationship. The LWR was established logarithmically as

Log W = -4.8819+2.9072 Log L (R2 = 0.7036)

The scatter plot for this LWR is given in Fig. 1.

It is a universal truth that as an animal's body length increases, so does its ability to grow23. Therefore, it can be inferred that length and growth are related. If the fish maintains its shape and its specific gravity stays constant, it will exhibit isometric growth and the value of the exponent 'b' will be 3.0 precisely24. If the value is greater than 3.0 it indicated that the fish become heavier for a given length and less than 3.0 indicated that the opposite is true. In the present study, the b value was recorded at 2.9072, which indicateda negative allometric growth pattern. In other words, as length increases, C. diplochilius becomes less rotund (slender). Similar results were observed by other researchers in C. diplochilius3,25. Labeo dyocheilus26, Cyprinus carpio communis and Ctenophyryngodon idella27 and Rasbora dani conius28 have all been reported to have regression lines with slope values less than 3. These reports concur with the current research on the length-weight relationship of C. diplochilius, which showed that there was a significant deviation of the "b" value from the isometric value of 3. The length-weight relationship of the majority of fish species may deviate from the cube law because the cube law only applies to species that maintain their form and specific gravity over the course of their lives29. However, because shape and form can change over time, this is not always the case.

Fig. 1: Scatter diagram showing the length-weight relationship of
Crossocheilus diplochilus

Morphometry: Measurements of various morphometric characters of Crossocheilus diplochilus, their range, mean, median, standard error, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation were presented in Table 1. Table 2 demonstrated the relationship between different characters, including total length v/s FL, total length v/s HL, total length v/s SL, total length v/s PDL, total length v/s PPCL, total length v/s PPVL, total length v/s PAL, total length v/s DFL, total length v/s PVFL, total length v/s PCFL, total length v/s DFL, total length v/s PVFL, total length v/s BD, total length v/s AFL and total length v/s ED. The 'R2' values varied from 0.461 to 0.853 indicating that the compared characters had a high degree of correlation. While PVFL showed the lowest degree of correlation with total length (0.461) and standard length showed the highest degree of correlation (0.853), demonstrating a strong relationship between the characters compared. Table 2 illustrated the values of the constants "a" and "b" and the correlation "R2" for the different morphometric relationships.

Fish morphometric analysis has been used extensively in fish identification30 and is a key component in the study of fish biology31. In a study of Schizothorax spp. in the River Lidder of Kashmir, Maximum growth occurred in standard length (0.9080) and least growth occurred in maximum body depth (0.1730) with respect to the total length of the fish32. Oncorhynchus mykiss from Kashmir exhibits high levels of interdependence (0.8262-0.9979) between its fourteen morphometric characters33. When analyzing the morphometric and meristic traits of Botia birdi in the Indus Basin, Jammu and Kashmir, the association between total length and external body components was evaluated and a positive correlation with total length in all parameters6. The most significant correlation was found between fork length and total length (r = 0.999) with while postorbital length showed the lowest correlation (r = 0.776). Morphometry of Crossocheilus diplochilus from Dal Lake was reported with the highest correlation of total length with standard length (0.983) and fork length (0.989)26.

The current study offers fundamental knowledge regarding the differentiation of C. diplochilus populations using morphometric parameters and recommends that morphometric variations seen in this species can be taken into account in its biodiversity pattern as well as be used as a first step towards fisheries management, commercial exploitation of this species and any stock enhancement program. Traditional morphometry has some drawbacks. In order to resolve the taxonomic ambiguity of morphologically similar species, additional studies are therefore required, including its integration with advanced morphometric techniques and genetic markers.

Table 1: Statistical estimates of morphometric characters of Crossocheilus diplochilus
Morphometric character
CV (%)
TL: Total length, SL: Standard length, FL: Fork length, HL: Head length, PDL: Pre-dorsal length, PPCL: Pre-pectoral length, PPVL: Pre-pelvic length, PAL: Pre-anal length, DFL: Dorsal fin length, PCFL: Pectoral fin length, PVFL: Pelvic fin length, AFL: Anal fin length, BD: Body depth and ED: Eye diameter

Table 2: Length-length relationship of various morphometric characters of Crossocheilus diplochilus
Morphometric character
Intercept (a)
Slope (b)
Y =a+bX
Correlation coefficient (R2)
SL = -14.30+0.973TL
FL = 2.191+0.884TL
HL = -5.700+0.176TL
PPCL = -7.043+0.250TL
PDL = 1.304+0.374TL
PPVL = -9.845+0.540TL
PAL = -1.137+0.646TL
PCFL = -1.678+0.173TL
DFL = -7.648+0.260TL
PVFL = 1.719+0.123TL
y = -2.210+0.143TL
y = -1.531+0.192TL
y = 1.915+0.033TL
TL: Total length, SL: Standard length, FL: Fork length, HL: Head length, PDL: Pre-dorsal length, PPCL: Pre-pectoral length, PPVL: Pre-pelvic length, PAL: Pre-anal length, DFL: Dorsal fin length, PCFL: Pectoral fin length, PVFL: Pelvic fin length, AFL: Anal fin length, BD: Body depth and ED: Eye diameter


The results generated in the present study will provide baseline data on length-weight relationship and the findings of this study will offer baseline data on the length-weight relationship and morphometry of C. diplochilus, facilitating easier identification and contributing to the development of a conservation plan for the natural populations of C. diplochilus in Dal Lake. According to the findings of the current study, this fish exhibits negative allometric growth in accordance with the cube law. Total length has been found to positively correlate with a number of morphometric parameters. For more accurate results, a combined approach combining morphometry, genetics and other biological indicators (such as the growth pattern of scales and otoliths) must be taken into account.


Morphometric differences among stocks of a species are recognized as an important method for evaluating the population structure and as a basis for identifying stocks. Morphometric measurements are widely used to identify differences between fish populations and such types of studies in this group of species are scanty. The manuscript will through light on the morphometric and meristic aspects of this fish species.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Qazi, D., Rashid, I., Jalali, S.Z., Bazaz, A.I., Andleeb, S., Shah, A., Rather, M.A., Ahmad, I. (2023). Length-Weight Relationship and Morphometric Analysis of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838) from the Dal Lake of Kashmir Himalaya. Trends in Agricultural Sciences, 2(3), 310-316.

ACS Style
Qazi, D.; Rashid, I.; Jalali, S.Z.; Bazaz, A.I.; Andleeb, S.; Shah, A.; Rather, M.A.; Ahmad, I. Length-Weight Relationship and Morphometric Analysis of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838) from the Dal Lake of Kashmir Himalaya. Trends Agric. Sci 2023, 2, 310-316.

AMA Style
Qazi D, Rashid I, Jalali SZ, Bazaz AI, Andleeb S, Shah A, Rather MA, Ahmad I. Length-Weight Relationship and Morphometric Analysis of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838) from the Dal Lake of Kashmir Himalaya. Trends in Agricultural Sciences. 2023; 2(3): 310-316.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Qazi, Durdana, Ifrah Rashid, Syed Zainab Jalali, Asim Iqbal Bazaz, Saima Andleeb, Azra Shah, Mohd Ashraf Rather, and Irfan Ahmad. 2023. "Length-Weight Relationship and Morphometric Analysis of Crossocheilus diplochilus (Heckel, 1838) from the Dal Lake of Kashmir Himalaya" Trends in Agricultural Sciences 2, no. 3: 310-316.