Research Article | Open Access

Inducing Genetic Variability in Pearl Millet Using Sodium Azide and Nitrous Acid

    Maryam Hassana Ati

    Department of Agronomy, Federal University Dutsin-MA, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina, Nigeria

    Hussaini Shehu

    Department of Agronomy, Federal University Dutsin-MA, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina, Nigeria

24 Aug, 2022
11 Apr, 2023
30 Jun, 2023

Background and Objective: Mutation has great possibilities which can be utilized in a breeding program. There is a growing interest in mutation breeding as reflected in the volume of work on the induction of mutations for genetic diversity. Field trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of Nitrous acid (HNO2) and Sodium azide (NaN3) on the yield of pearl millet varieties at different concentrations. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the mutagens and the optimal concentration that increases the agronomic traits in pearl millet. Materials and Methods: Treatments consisted of two varieties of pearl millet (ICMP1970085 and ICMP1970116). The NaN3 and HNO2 were used for this experiment. A Randomized Complete Block Design was used for the field layout and in three replications. The seeds of the two varieties of millet were divided into 2 sets. Results: The mutants treated with HNO2 in most cases show improved yield than those treated with NaN3 in ICMP1970116 while for ICMP1970085 the reverse is the case ICMP1970116 treated with a low concentration of NaN3 (2 Mm) performed well in yield. The high concentration of NaN3 produces earlier mutants while, those treated with 4 mM concentration performed better in Downey mildew incidence and panicle weight after harvest. The 2 mM of HNO2 performed better in yield traits, while 3 mM of HNO2 performed well in days to fifty percent flowering. Conclusion: Sodium azide at 2 mM while, HNO2 at 3 mM appears to be the most effective treatment for inducing variability in the two pearl millet varieties.

Copyright © 2023 Ati and Shehu. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Millet is a major grain crop grown around the world. It is used by humans to prepare various dishes and as feed for livestock. About 97% of millet production occurs in developing countries1. Among millet cultivars, pearl millet is most cultivated in India and Africa2. Almost 90 million people in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) and Southern Asia (SA) depend on the cultivation of pearl millet for their nutritional security and means of subsistence3. Future demand for pearl millet is predicted to rise due to rising populations of people and animals in SSA and SA, in addition to the desire for nutritious food and other industrial purposes4. Due to the depletion of water resources, it may be grown in even more regions where maize and sorghum are grown. Because of the anticipated high drought stress, increase in temperature and increased disease occurrences in SSA5 and SA, pearl millet.

Physical and chemical mutagenesis are advantageous because mutagens induced random changes throughout the genomes6. In mutation breeding experiments, consideration is given to the mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency. Mutagenic effectiveness measures the frequency of mutations induced by a unit dose of the mutagen. The mutagenic efficiency denotes the mutations due to on biological damage i.e., sterility, injury and lethality. Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency depend on the type of genotype used and the type of mutagen7. Sodium azide (NaN3) is known to induce high mutagenic effect in several organisms8. The deaninazation of DNA by Nitrous acid results in mutation which caused variability in various characters in crops9. The purpose of induced mutation is to enhance the mutation frequency to select appropriate variants for evaluation and possible release as varieties. The present study was designed to create genetic variation in pearl millet and select mutants with improved grain yield and other desirable agronomic traits for farmers’ use.


Study area: This research was carryout during the 2020 wet season from June to October, 2020 in the defunct department of crop production and protection now called the Department of Agronomy research farm of Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Main Campus in Katsina State. Dutsin-Ma lies between latitude 12°27’22’’N and longitude 7°30’83’’E. The farm is situated within latitude 12°17’40’’N and longitude 7°27’19’’E. (latitude 12°27’18” longitude 7°29’29”E and 605 m above sea level).

Treatment and experimental design: Treatment consisted of two pearl millet varieties namely, ICMP1970085, ICMP1970116 and four levels of Nitrous acid (HNO2) (0.00 mM, 1.0 mM, 2.0 mM and 3.0 mM) and four levels of Sodium azide (NaN3) (0.00 mM, 2.0 mM, 4.0 mM and 6.0 mM). Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used for the field layout and replicated three times. The ridges were 5 m long with an inter-row spacing of 75 cm and intra-row spacing of 50 cm and 4 ridges per plot. Hybrids were allocated to plots using the random-number table.

Methodology: The experiment was carried out in the laboratory on the farm. Seeds were presoaked in distilled water for an hour before treatment with mutagens to allow the mutagen to diffuse more rapidly to the tissues of the seed. The seed was divided into sets. Each set of seeds was soaked for 1 hr in different concentrations of the mutagens. There are two groups of treatments in the experiment. Group A was the Sodium azide group and Group B was the Nitrous acid group. In each group, the seed was divided into four sets. Set i was soaked in distilled water (0.00 mM) which served as control and for the rest sets (set ii to iv), each set was soaked in various concentrations of Sodium azide of 2 mM, 4 mM and 6 mM for 1 hr. Group B seeds were soaked in various concentrations of Nitrous acid (HNO2) (0.00 Mm, 1.0 mM, 2.0 mM and 3.0 mM solutions) for 1 hr. The treated seeds of the two mutagens were decanted and thoroughly washed using distilled water to remove the residual effects of mutagens.

Beakers containing the treated seeds were labeled and arranged according to their respective plots number, mutagen type and concentration having 14 plots per replication one beaker each per plot.

Planting of seeds was done in the Research farm, of the Agronomy Department, Federal University Dutsin-Ma Main Campus. The ridges were 5 m long, two ridges represented a plot with an intra-row spacing of 50 cm and inter-row spacing of 75 cm in three replications.

Data collected: Data collected for each plot include the:
Day to 50% flowering (DF50):
The number of days for 50% of the plants per plot to flower
Plant height (PH):
The distance between the ground level to the apex of the panicles measured in centimetres at maturity being averaged from 3 randomly chosen plants
Panicle length (PL):
Distance between the bases of the panicle to the tip in centimetres being averaged from 3 randomly chosen panicles
Panicle circumference (PC):
Circumference of the panicle girth (CM) being averaged from 3 randomly chosen panicles
Panicles per plot (PP):
Total number of panicle per plot counted at harvest
Stand count at harvest (SCH):
Plant stands counted at harvest per plot
Downey mildew incidence (DMI):
Number of infected plants over total number of plants per plot expressed in percentage
Panicle exersion (PanEx):
Distance (cm) between the main stalk flag leaf and ligule and the base of the panicle
Agronomic appreciation (AAP):
Agronomic performance of the entries based on visual observations cored before harvesting. 1-Excellent, 2-very good, 3-good, 4-medium and 5-poor
Panicle weight (PW):
Panicle weight in kilograms per plot before threshing
Grain weight per plot (GW):
Grain weight in grams per plot after threshing
Threshing (%):
Weight of seeds over the weight of panicle expressed in percentage

Statistical analysis: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was carried out using SAS statistical package (SAS, 2002) version 9.1 at p≥0.05 significant level and Duncan‘s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to separate the means.


Table 1 showed the performance of ICMP1970085 Variety mutants treated with the various concentrations of NaN3 and HNO2 indicating that the higher concentration of NaN3 and HNO2 the more the resistivity to Downy mildew disease. For days to 50% flowering, the control was earlier than all the mutants and there was no significant difference between the mutants showing that the concentrations of the two mutagens used in this study delayed earliness in the mutants. Also, for plant height, the control was shorter than all the mutants. The concentrations of 2 mM and 4 mM of NaN3 induced an increase in height of the variety. However, the higher concentrations of NaN3 6 Mm reduced the height. This also agreed with the findings of Sable et al.10. Those with 1 mM, 2 mM and 3 mM of HNO2 were all taller than the control, but, the lower the concentrations the taller mutant indicating that a lower concentration of HNO2 induces tallness in the mutants. A similar result was reported by Goyal et al.11. The yield attributing traits (panicle exertion, panicle number and panicle weight and grain weight) showed no significance between all the mutants treated with the two mutagens but they all performed better than the control showing that the mutagens induced an increase in these traits. This was in line with the result obtained by Khursheed et al.6. Induction of desirable micro-mutations affecting yield is a prime goal in mutation breeding12. Physical and chemical mutagens induce an increase in the genetic variability for certain traits. This makes for effective selection and increases the probability of getting the desired genotypes13. Hundreds of agro-economically important mutant crop varieties have been successfully developed globally14,15 reported that up to this year (2022), 3,402 mutant varieties have been developed.

Low concentrations of NaN3 induced an increase in yield attributing traits while a higher concentration of HNO2 favored better performance in these traits.

The result of the ICMP1970116 variety treated with the various concentrations of NaN3 and HNO2 were presented in Table 2. There were more variabilities with the different concentrations of NaN3 in ICMP1970116 variety. The downy mildew incidence no significant differences in the resistance level of the mutants exposed to the two mutagens. They were all highly resistant to the disease. Though, there was a significant difference between the mutants and the control. In the days to 50% flowering, there were no significant differences between the mutants, but the control was earlier than all the mutants treated with the two mutagens.

Table 1: Effect of Sodium azide (SA) and Nitrous acid (NA) on downy mildew incident, agronomic characters and yield of ICMP1970085 variety
Designation DMI (%) D50%F PHT (cm) PANLT (cm) PANCIR. (cm) PANEX. (cm) AAP SCH PAN No. PAN WT (kg) GWT (kg) Thresh (%)
Control 1.67bc 43.33b 127.44b 15.11b 8.94b 10.11b 2.33b 11.33b 59.67b 1299.70c 621.00d 42.53c
NaN3 2 mM 8.33a 63.33a 186.78a 24.00a 10.29a 12.56a 1.33a 19.67a 67.00a 1602.7ab 1020.67ab 63.61ab
4 mM 1.67bc 61.67a 183.78a 24.11a 9.66a 8.42a 1.00a 19.00a 60.67a 1397.30bc 925.00bc 65.73a
6 mM 5.17ab 53.33a 177.56ab 23.89a 9.78a 8.81a 1.33a 19.33a 67.00a 1325.30bc 817.67cd 62.24ab
HNO2 1 mM 1.67bc 53.33a 181.56ab 23.60a 9.79a 9.33a 1.67a 19.67a 62.33a 1322.30bc 881.67bcd 66.04a
2 mM 0.00c 63.33a 176.78ab 24.36a 9.56a 10.41a 1.67a 19.33a 59.33a 1265.30c 757.33d 59.31b
3 mM 0.00c 66.67a 172.78ab 21.61a 9.76a 8.95a 1.67a 19.00a 64.33a 1591.70ab 1000.33ab 63.79ab
Means with the same letter within a column are not significantly different at p$0.05, DMI: Downey mildew incidence, D50%F: Days to 50% flowering, PHT: Plant height at maturity, PANLT: Panicle length at maturity, PANCIR.: Panicle circumference, PANEX.: Panicle exertion, AAP: Agronomic appreciation, SCH: Stand count at harvest, PAN No.: Panicle number at harvest, PAN WT: Panicle weight after harvest, GWT: Grain weight after threshing and Thresh (%): Thresh percentage

Table 2: Effect of Sodium azide (SA) and Nitrous acid (NA) on agronomic characters and yield of ICMP1970116 variet
Designation DMI (%) D50%F PHT (cm) PANLT (cm) PANCIR. (cm) PANEX. (cm) AAP SCH PAN No. PAN WT (kg) GWT (kg) Thresh (%)
Control 1.33c 36.67c 153.78b 19.66 b 08.05bc 7.84c 1.33b 09.00 b 15.33d 198.70c 352.30b 67.72b
NaN3 2 mM 3.90a 56.67a 160.45a 24.06a 10.39ab 10.22a 1.67a 11.33ab 34.33bc 778.70b 555.30a 70.96a
4 mM 3.00a 61.67a 153.11a 23.39a 10.32ab 8.17a 1.33a 9.33b 29.67c 796.00b 553.00ab 70.17a
6 mM 3.3a 53.33a 156.55a 22.33a 9.69c 7.67a 1.33a 9.00b 27.67c 697.70b 440.70b 63.02ab
HNO2 1 mM 0.00a 63.33a 162.22a 24.44a 10.75ab 7.95a 1.00a 10.33ab 31.00bc 763.30b 553.30ab 72.41a
2 mM 0.00a 61.67a 158.55a 22.72a 10.32ab 7.17a 1.67a 12.67ab 44.00a 998.00a 682.70a 68.31a
3 mM 1.67 a 58.33a 162.44a 23.44a 10.50a 7.14a 1.00a 9.67ab 33.00bc 891.30ab 636.70ab 72.69a
Means with the same letter within a column are not significantly different at p$0.05, DMI: Downey mildew incidence, D50%F: Days to 50% flowering, PHT: Plant height at maturity, PANLT: Panicle length at maturity, PANCIR.: Panicle circumference, PANEX.: Panicle exertion, AAP: Agronomic appreciation, SCH: Stand count at harvest, PAN No.: Panicle number at harvest, PAN WT: Panicle weight after harvest, GWT: Grain weight after threshing and Thresh (%): Thresh percentage

The mutants were longer in height and panicle length than the control though there were no significant differences in plant height and panicle length between the mutants15,16 reported contrary results. The mutants treated with higher doses of NaN3 and HNO2 have fatter panicles than those treated with lower doses. Moreover, all the mutants performed better with lower concentrations of NaN3 while, a higher concentration of HNO2 increase yield attributes and yield. Similar dose-dependent variations in quantitative traits were reported by Oladosu et al.17 foxtail mille. The mutants treated with HNO2 in most cases showed improved yield than those treated with NaN3 in ICMP1970116 variety while for ICMP1970085 variety the mutants treated with NaN3 in most cases showed better yield than showed those treated with HNO2. Pearl millet treated with Nitrous acid and Sodium azide induces increased genetic variability and heritability for agronomic traits this will provide wide scope for further selection in breeding programs for pearl millet.


Mutations are primarily responsible for variety in nature and plant breeding would not be possible without mutations. In this situation, the main goal of mutation-based breeding is to create and enhance well-adapted plant types by altering one or two key features to boost their quality or output. Improved varieties can use for commercial cultivation. Moreso, compared to conventional breeding, induced mutagenesis, have the potential to accelerate the improvement of pearl millets’ quantitative and qualitative qualities. Mutagenic treatment of seeds and other plant components is still an effective method for generating resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors in different crops because of its relative ease of usage and cheap cost. Since mutant pearl millet cultivars are still being developed and are not yet being produced commercially, the economic benefits are difficult to quantify. Several fresh crop mutant varieties exhibit better quality attributes that haven't yet translated into financial gains. Also, it might be challenging to quantify some effects, such as decreased environmental contamination.


The two varieties responded differently to the two mutagens. Consequently, it is concluded that Sodium azide at (2 mM) low concentration and high concentrations of HNO2 (3 mM) appear to be the better effective treatment for inducing variability in pearl millet varieties such as ICMP1970085 variety and ICMP1970116 variety.


The outcomes of this research showed that Sodium azide and Nitrous acid can be used for inducing mutation that will produce genetic variability in pearl millet. Mutants with low biological damage and high mutation frequency can be developed at low concentrations of Sodium azide and Nitrous acid.

This study offers useful material for discovering desirable quantitative and agronomic traits in pearl millet. It offers the possibilities of improving one or two traits without changing the rest of the genotype and produces raw material for genetic enhancement of economic crops which can possibly be utilized in the future breeding programs.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Ati, M.H., Shehu, H. (2023). Inducing Genetic Variability in Pearl Millet Using Sodium Azide and Nitrous Acid. Trends Agric. Sci, 2(2), 106-111.

ACS Style
Ati, M.H.; Shehu, H. Inducing Genetic Variability in Pearl Millet Using Sodium Azide and Nitrous Acid. Trends Agric. Sci 2023, 2, 106-111.

AMA Style
Ati MH, Shehu H. Inducing Genetic Variability in Pearl Millet Using Sodium Azide and Nitrous Acid. Trends in Agricultural Sciences. 2023; 2(2): 106-111.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Ati, Maryam, Hassana, and Hussaini Shehu. 2023. "Inducing Genetic Variability in Pearl Millet Using Sodium Azide and Nitrous Acid" Trends in Agricultural Sciences 2, no. 2: 106-111.