Research Article | Open Access

Morphologicaand Phytochemical Characterization of Cassiinae in Nigeria

    Okpara Onyinyechi

    Department of Botany, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Nigeria

    Abiodun Ayodele

    University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

20 Jun, 2024
16 Sep, 2024
30 Sep, 2024

Background and Objective: Cassiinae is the largest subtribe that constitutes the tribe Cassieae (Caesalpiniodeae) in the Fabaceae family. The autonomy and classification of the generic categories (Cassia, Senna and Chamaecrista) in the subtribe were established in this work using multiple character variations obtained from anatomical, morphological and phytochemical evidence to determine the taxonomic relationship among 10 studied taxa. This has led to the production of a reliable identification key. Materials and Methods: A total of 45 vegetative and reproductive characters, 13 anatomical and 13 phytochemical characters were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated. The characters obtained were subjected to numerical and principal component analysis following Sokal and Sneath principles. The phenetic relationship among the groups was determined by hierarchical cluster analysis using the R programme. Results: A dendrogram containing three groups and a few subgroups representing the 10 taxa was produced. Cluster 1 comprises Cassia fistula and Cassia sieberiana. Cluster 2 contains only Chamaecrista rotundifolia while cluster 3 includes Senna alata, Senna hirsuta, Senna occidentalis, Senna siamea, Senna polyphylla, Senna obtusifolia and Senna surattensis. The resultant delimitation into 3 groups is a result of the combination of OTU of gross morphological and phytochemical characters during numerical analysis. The two-dimensional model of principal component analysis used highlighted shared characters of taxonomic significance that support delimitation of members of the group. Conclusion: This study affirms that morphological features are not sufficient enough but indispensable in the identification and classification of a clade.

Copyright © 2024 Onyinyechi and Ayodele. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 


Cassiinae is one of the five subtribes in tribe Cassieae (Carotoniinae, Dialiinae, Duparquetiinae, Cassiinae and Labicheinae) and is notably the largest in terms of number of species consisting of about 740 species. The subtribe is categorized into 3 genera namely: Cassia, Senna and Chamaecrista and belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinoideae in the family Fabaceae. They are mostly cultivated for their economic, medicinal and ecological benefits as they promote food security, sustainable agricultural practices, sustenance of biodiversity and climate change1. Members of the subtribe are rich in phytochemical compounds useful in traditional medicine and the pharmacological industry. They are usually recognized by their showy flowers; thus, they are aesthetically relevant2. The sub-tribe are distributed in both wet and dry regions with a few in the temperate regions of the world3. The systematic study of chemical variation in plant taxa is useful in the classification of plants based on their specific secondary metabolites and biosynthetics4. There are three broad categories of compounds used in the classification of plants namely; primary metabolites, secondary metabolites and semantides4. It has been proven that certain compounds and related substances may be characteristic of certain taxonomic groups and evidently, the pathway of chemical evolution can be established since chemical substances are retained by metabolic processes5. Compounds retained by groups or ancestors, may lead to the understanding of relationships within and between groups6,7. Information obtained from this method is best used in conjunction with other sources of taxonomic evidence such as morphology, anatomy, cytological and molecular data to establish a system of classification that reflects natural relationships as accurately as possible. Based on the critical comparative study carried out in this work variations and similarities range from the gross morphological, anatomy and phytochemical characters obtained to serve as a tool for finding distinctive diagnostic characters that complemented and enhanced the delimitation and classification of members of the group. Thus, the combination of gross morphological and phytochemical characters in this study provided taxonomic evidence useful to trace evolutionary relationships within the taxa using the natural system of classification.

This study aimed to examine the taxonomic relationships among selected species in the subtribe Cassiinae. The specific objectives of this study were to:

  Determine the gross morphological and phytochemical character variations among studied taxa
  Determine the phenetic relationships among taxa using gross morphological and phytochemical evidences
  Provide a good and reliable taxonomic key for the recognition of members of the subtribe Cassiinae


Plant collection: This study was carried out from May, 2021 to January, 2022. Ten species representing three genera in the sub-tribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae: Caesalpinoideae) in Nigeria were collected and determined into species based on the keys to species and classified into genus according to Irwin and Barneby8. Herbarium species housed at the University of Ibadan Herbarium and Forest Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN) were used to confirm specimens by comparison with fresh specimens and used for morphometric studies. The specimen collected includes Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Pers.) Greene, Senna hirsuta (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Senna alata (L.) Roxb, Senna occidentalis (L.) Link, Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Cassia fistula L., Cassia sieberiana DC, Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, Senna polyphylla (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby and Senna surattensis (Burm.f.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby.

Leaf morphometrics: Vegetative and floral macro-morphological characters of species in the Cassiinae subtribes were examined in this study. The quantitative characters determined include leaflet width and length, petiolule length, blade/rachis length ratio and leaf length/width ratio. The qualitative characteristics examined were the type of inflorescence and position, leaf arrangement, venation, shape, margin, surface beneath and above, texture, apex, base, fruit shape and color. The margin, length and width of specimens under study were measured using a twine and meter rule.

Anatomical studies
Preparation of leaf epidermal peels: Fresh leaves of each species were preserved in 50% ethanol and rinsed in ordinary water. About 1 cm2 cut from the standard median portion of the leaf of each specimen was made. Each specimen was put in a glass petri dish and concentrated nitric acid was added so that the leaf was immersed in acid. These were left in the sun outside the laboratory to hasten the action of the acid. The formation of air bubbles in the leaves indicated the separation of the upper and the lower epidermis from the mesophyll. The specimens were then transferred into a new Petri-dish and rinsed several times in distilled water. The epidermis for each specimen was separated with a pair of forceps and cleaned with a camel hair brush by removing the residual mesophyll layer9. Specimens were counter-stained with Alcian blue for another 5 min. Stained sections were mounted on microscope slides with 2 drops of 25% glycerol added and covered with a cover slip.

Preparation of petiolule section: Petiotule sections were made using a rotary microtome ‘820’. Sectioned specimens were cleared with 5% sodium hypochlorite to remove pigments and then rinsed in distilled water. The very thin sections were collected and stained in safranin for 5 min. The specimens were counter-stained with Alcian blue for another 5 min. Stained sections were mounted on clear microscope slides with 2 drops of 25% glycerol added and covered with a cover slip. The slides were previewed under the microscope (Olumpus corperation, Shinjuku Monolith, 3-1, Nishi Shinjuku 2-chrome, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, Japan) and the edges were carefully sealed with transparent nail polish. Photomicrographs of the slides were captured using an Olympus CX 31 photomicroscope with a built-in digital camera10.

Phytochemical analysis: The qualitative and quantitative phytochemical characters were analyzed and determined using fresh leaves of the ten taxa identified in the herbarium were air-dried at a temperature between 36-38°C for two weeks. The dried samples were ground to powder and tested for the presence of phytochemical constituents following the following standard methods described as follows.

Alkaloid determination: Standard measurement procedures were used to weigh 5 g of fine powder of samples, weighed 250 mL of 10% acetic acid into ethanol and added to a covered beaker and allow to stand for 4 hrs. The filtered extract concentrates were made to pass through a water bath at 55°C to one-quarter of the original volume. The concentrated ammonium hydroxide was added to the extract in drops until the precipitation was complete. Then carefully collected and washed in dilute ammonium hydroxide and filtered. The residue obtained was dried and weighed. The weighed residue becomes the alkaloids11.

Determination of saponin content: Grounded samples of fine powder weighing 20 g were put into a conical flask and 100 cm3 of 20% aqueous ethanol was added and heated over a hot water bath at 55°C for 4 hrs with continuous stirring. The mixture was filtered and the residue was re-extracted with another 200 mL of 20% ethanol. The combined extracts were reduced to 40 mL over water bath at 90°C. The concentrate was then transferred into a 250 mL separatory funnel and 20 mL of diethyl ether was added and continuously shaken. The aqueous layer was retained while the ether layer was disposed of. The purification was repeated. This time about 60 mL of n-butanol was added. The combined n-butanol extracts were washed twice with 10 mL of 5% aqueous sodium chloride. The retained solution was heated in a water bath. After evaporation, the samples were dried in an oven to a constant weight. The dried samples are the saponins and is calculated as percentage12.

Determination of total phenolic content: The concentration of phenolic content in dried samples of Cassiinae extracts was evaluated using standard spectrophotometric method of Folin-Ciocalteu assay. The reaction mixture consisting of 1 mL of extract and 9 mL of distilled water was taken into a volumetric flask measured at 25 mL, 1 mL of Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent was treated to the mixture. The volume was set at 25 mL. Standard solutions of gallic acid measuring (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 μg/mL) were prepared and incubated for 90 min at room temperature and the absorbance for tests and standard solutions determine against the reagent blank at 550 nm with Infitek UV-visible. spectrophotometer SP-MUV6000 (Jinan, Shandong, China). The total phenolic content was expressed as mg of GAE/g of extract.

Determination of tanin content: The tannins were determined following standard methods by Folin-Ciocalteu. About 0.1 mL of the grounded plant extract was added to a volumetric flask (10 mL) containing 7.5 mL of distilled water and 0.5 mL of Folin-Ciocalteu, phenol reagent, 1 mL of 35% Na2CO3 solution and diluted to 10 mL with distilled water. The mixture was shaken vigorously and kept at room temperature of about 37-38°C for 30 min. Standard solutions of gallic acid (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 μg/mL) were prepared in the same manner as previous procedures explained earlier. The absorbance test and standard solutions weres measured against the blank at 75 nm with Infitek UV-visible spectrophotometer SP-MUV6000 (Jinan, Shandong, China). The tannin content measurements were expressed in terms of mg of GAE/g of extract13.

Determination of total flavonoid content: The total flavonoid content was determined using the aluminium chloride colorimeter assay. The reaction mixture is made up of 1 mL of extract and 4 mL of distilled water was taken in a 10 mL volumetric flask. In the flask, 0.30 mL of 5% sodium nitrite was treated and after 5 min, 0.3 mL of 10% aluminium chloride was mixed. After 5 min, 2 mL of 1 M sodium hydroxide was treated and diluted to 10 mL with distilled water. Standard solutions of quercetin (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 μg/mL) were prepared. The absorbance for test and standard solutions was determined against the reagent blank at 510 nm with Infitek UV-visible spectrophotometer SP-MUV6000 (Jinan, Shandong, China). The total flavonoid content was expressed as mg of QE/g of extract14.

Determination of glycoside content: The total glycoside content was determined by adding 2.00 g of grounded sample to 20 cm3 of water and heated for 5 min in a water bath, then, filtered using the Gem filter paper (12.5 cm). The following tests were carried out on the filtrate:

  Add 0.2 cm3 of Fehling’s solutions A and B were mixed with (5 cm3) of the filtrate until it became alkaline (tested with litmus paper). A brick-red coloration upon heating showed presence of glycoside
  About 15 cm3 of 1.0 M sulphuric acid was used to repeat the test in (a) and the variation in quantity of precipitate was evaluated and compared with that of test (a). High precipitate content in test B indicates the presence of glycoside15

Determination of terpenoid content: Measurement of the terpenoid content was investigated using the analytical method. Each powdered sample about (0.30 g) was weighed into a beaker and extracted for 2 hrs. A mixture of chloroform (2 cm3) and concentrated tetra-oxo sulphate (VI) acid (3 cm3) was added to 5 cm3 of each extract to form a layer. The presence of a reddish-brown coloration at the interface indicates positive results for the presence of terpenoids16.

Determination of steroids and phyto-steroids content: Glycoside is dissolved in 1% ferric sulphate solution in (5%) glacial acid. One or two drops of concentrated sulphuric acid are added. A blue colour develops due to the presence of deoxy sugar17.

Determination of cardiac glycosides (Keller Killiani test): To 1 mL of plant extract equal volume of chloroform is added and subjected to 2-3 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. The appearance of a brown ring indicates the presence of steroids and the appearance of bluish brown ring indicates the presence phyto-steroid17.

Determination of anthraquinone: To determine the presence of anthraquinone content about 5.0 g of each sample extract were shaken with 10 mL of benzene in a test tube and filtered. As 5 mL of 10% ammonia was added to the filtrate. The mixture was shaken vigorously to obtain. pink, red or violet colour in the lower portion of the ammonia. This is an indication of the presence of free hydroxyl-anthraquinone17.

Determination of quinones content: To 1 mL of plant extract, 1 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid was added. The formation of red color indicates the presence of quinones17.

Determination of coumarin content: To 1 mL of plant extract, 1 mL of 10% NaOH was added. The formation of yellow colour indicates the presence of coumarins13.

Data analysis: The data generated from the morphological and phytochemical characters were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Hierarchical cluster and principal component analysis were carried out to show the phenetic relationships among the taxa. Pair group clustering was measured using the R software version 4.4.0 for statistical computing and the graphics13.

Principal component analysis (PCA): Principal component analysis (PCA), was used to examine relationships among several quantitative variables:

PCA method used Y = XB+E

where, Y is matrix comprising of 10 species from Cassiinae and 70 characters, X is matrix scores and B is matrix of Eigen vectors (latent vectors) which are themselves calculated from the data matrix of the character scores. The minimum Eigen criterion was used to select how many factors can best explain the matrix18.


Macro-morphological studies: Vegetal and floral morphological characteristics were examined in ten species belonging to the subtribe Cassinae in Nigeria. The locality, collectors’ name, voucher number and date of collection of specimens were inventoried from two herbaria in Ibadan, Oyo State (Forest Institute of Nigeria and University of Herbarium) as shown in Table 1. Results from Table 1, were used to produce a species distribution map illustrated in Fig. 1. All species investigated were found dominant in the Southwestern Region of Nigeria. Senna obtusifolia is dominant in the North Eastern region. While Senna alata, Senna obtusifolia and Cassia sieberiana are prominent in the North Western part. Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Senna occidentalis are the species commonly distributed in the North Central Guinea Savanna Region. Figure 2a-j were showing photograph of Cassiinae species in their natural habitat. Table 2 shows the localities of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) used for micro-morphological and phytochemical studies were all within the Ibadan metropolis as inventoried. Table 3 shows the qualitative macro-morphological characteristic features determined for the studied specimen. A total of 38 qualitative characters involving both vegetal and floral characters were examined. Varying features such as habit type, leaflet arrangement, venation, presence or absence of stipule, leaflet shape margin, apex and base, fruit color and seed shape, seeds per lobe number and inflorescence position were evaluated. Leaves of members of Cassiinae are characteristically alternately arranged, venation pinnate with presence or absence of stipule. Leaflet shapes are asymmetrical, sub-rotund or broadly obovate. Leaflet margins are majorly entire with apex round, acute or acuminate. The leaflet base is mostly rounded or cuneate. The fruit and seed color are brown at maturity, with several seeds per lobe ranging from 20-100 in number. The inflorescence is mostly racemose and scarcely paniculate, positioned either as terminal or axillary. The seed shapes of species vary as either flattened, obovate, or rhomboid. Table 4 shows results from measurements on the quantitative macro-morphological characters considered. Several observed variations such as leaflet length and width ranging from 0.62-29.62 and 0.34-9.86 cm, rachis (2.40-38.50 cm), petiolule (0.10-0.50 cm) and blade lengths (1.54-51.48 cm) were evaluated in each species and their mean values and standard error recorded.

Fig. 1: Map showing the distribution of Cassiinae species in Nigeria

Anatomical studies: Figure 3a-e show the photomicrograph of epidermal leaf surfaces (adaxial and abaxial), main vein, lamina and petiolule of studied specimens. Figure 3 showed a summary of all the micro-morphological features examined for each OTUs studied. Table 5 describes the qualitative micro-morphological characters examined. Descriptive features such as cell shape, stomata shape, anticlinal wall pattern, cell wall striation, presence or absence of trichomes and presence or absence of crystals were investigated. The stomatal cells of examined specimens were mostly anisocytic and anomocytic. Cell shapes varied as either irregular or polygonal. Trichomes varied on either adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the epidermal cells, interestingly, trichomes were absent in Cassia fistula, Cassia sieberiana and Senna polyphylla. Crystalic structures were observed in Senna siamea, Cassia fistula and Senna surattensis. Table 6 shows the quantitative micro-morphological characters evaluated. The highest stomata index value was recorded in Senna alata (91.9%) and lowest in Senna surattensis (7.7%). The stomata density ranged from (0.00-102.5 m/sec2). The highest stomatal length was evaluated in Chamaecrista rotundifolia (10.63 μm) and the lowest in Senna obtusifolia (0.75 μm). Variations in the transverse section of the lamina showed double-layer thick cells in all species examined except in Chamaecrista rotundifolia. Cell shapes in studied species were mostly cuboidal except in C. rotundifolia which had an elongated type. The outlines in the main vein were mostly protruding and shaped and were either elongated or cuboidal in most cases. Epidermis in the main vein was mainly collateral in all with exception of Senna alata which differed as bicollateral. Parenchymatous cortex in the main vein ranges from crescent to heart-shape with unique circular types found only in Senna hirsuta. The micro characters of the petiolule examined in all specimen indicated varying outline shapes such as U-shaped in OTU 1, 2, 3,4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, undulated outline in S. hirsuta and C. Sieberiana and flat outline surfaces in S. siamea, S. obtusifolia and S. surattensis. Also, the sclerenchyma cells in the petiolule were mostly thin and scarcely thick with majority having small pith except in Chamaecrista rotundifolia. Delimitation within species using the petiolule characters were not holistic because of the absence of a well-defined petiolule structure in Senna polyphylla.

Fig. 2(a-j): Cassiinae species in their natural habitat, (a) Chamaecrista rotundifolia, (b)
Senna hirsute, (c) Senna alata, (d) Senna occidentalis, (e) Senna siamea
(f) Cassia fistula, (g) Cassia sieberiana, (h) Senna obtusifolia, (i) Senna
and (j) Senna surattensis

Fig. 3(a-e): (a) A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 and A10 photomicrograph of the
leaf epidermal surfaces (abaxial) of ten Cassiinae species, (b) B1, B2, B3,
B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9 and B10 photomicrograph of the leaf epidermal
surfaces (adaxial) of ten Cassiinae species, (c) C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6,
C7, C8, C9 and C10 photomicrographs of the transverse sections of the
main vein (midrib) of Cassiinae species, (d) D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6,
D7, D8, D9 and D10 photomicrographs of the transverse sections of
the lamina of Cassiinae species and (e) E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7,
E8, E9 and E10 photomicrographs of the transverse sections of the
petiolule of Cassiinae species

Table 1: List of herbarium specimens used for macro-morphological studies
Taxa Locality Collector’s name Collector(s)/voucher number Date
Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Pers.) Greene Bridge Embarkment Waterworks Ogbomosho Oyo Dr. J. Lowe 799 UCI 2019 17/12/1965
University of Ibadan Campus Dr. J. Lowe 1017 UIH 2020 14/10/1966
Roadside, Appleton Road, University of Ibadan P.W. Richards UIH 19181 03/11/1980
Jos G.S. Puri UIH 2014 14/10/1966
Between Olobeweji and Ado Awaye P.W. Richards UIH 2013 03/11/1980
Oyo Iseyin-Ado Road A.A. Lady UIH 2012 31/10/1962
Ilora Oyo G.W. Iveus UIH 13316 12/04/1972
Rayfield Jos Division W.J. Howard UIH 16448 19/08/1973
Benue-Plateau State Dr. G.S Puri. UIH 2015 01/12/1962
Gambari Forest Reserve Sharma UIH 19099 12/08/1971
Lagos Waste Ground Dr. J. Lowe 485 UIH 2018 24/11/1964
Senna hirsuta (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby 17 Miles Ore-Benin Province, Ondo District J.F. Barker UIH 1988 17/09/1965
Barthroad Student Village, UI L.O. Ogunniran UIH 20111 10/01/1983
UI Second Gate by Road Side A.O. Chivinge UIH 19905 13/10/1978
Student Village UI K.T. Kumi UIH 20106 10/01/1983
UI Campus near Fish Pond Aghachi UIH 18159 06/01/1976
Behind Botany Nursery E.J. Enamuotor UIH 18176 28/01/1974
Behind Zoological Garden A.M. Salaam UIH 19919 13/10/1978
Senna alata (L.) Roxb. Adeagba A.T. Apete Ibadan E.A. Olayinola UIH 23005 11/05/2021
Okomu Forest National Park M.K. Ayodele UIH 22671 04/04/2018
Sokoto E. Willie UIH 14265 29/10/1971
Botany Department, UI O.B, Oluwatobi UIH 22376 13/10/2013
Department of Botany Allsworth Jones and Rosen UIH 20072 13/02/1983
Kaiama Town, Kolokumi Area, Yenagoa Division K.R.M. Williamson UIH 15344 27/10/1973
Pici Village 8 km West of Bida R.M. Blench UIH 19635 28/01/1982
Botany Department A.A. Ogunshe UIH 22291 2008
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Ibadan O.O. Omotayo UIH 22503 22/03/2016
University of Ibadan C.I. Ogbonna UIH 20144 1983
Ibadan K. Williamson UIH 12968 17/06/1971
Shintako Kabba J.F. Redhead UIH 21008 21/08/1964
Near Kaiama in Town, Kolokuma Area (Yenagoa) K.R.M. Williamson UIH 15342 27/10/1973
Ijebu Ode J.A. Okusi UIH 2005 28/08/1935
Eleiyele Ibadan Bamiyo UIH 13433 10/07/1963
Zaki, Biam, Benue Province D. Vermeer UIH 16731 Oct-75
Jos Bukuru Road Dr. G.S. Puri UIH 2007 25/07/1963
Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Ejioku, North East Ibadan A.B. Oyelami UIH 21700 08/12/1991
University of Ibadan Campus J. Lowe UIH 20053 02/02/1983
Ijebu Ode J.A. Okusi UIH 2021 30/08/1937
Cassia fistula L. BOT/MIC Department UI J.B. Macjob UIH 21615 23/05/1991
Botany Department UI Ezomoe Evelyn UIH 21587 02/05/1991
Cassia sieberiana DC. Behind Trenchard Hall, University of Ibadan J. Lowe UIH 20325 29/02/1984
Aworo F.R. in High Forest in Family Open Place on Well Drained B.O. Davimica FHI 0027923 24/10/1968
Gradualslope, Growing among Dialium celtis and Antiaris
LAUTECH Premises Open Space R.W.J. Keay and Forest Students FHI 0109967 24/04/2014
Zurmi Katsina Motor Road about 2 Miles from Zurmi of Ibadan Forest school FHI 0016135 12/04/1946
Talata Mafora by Zaria-Sokoto Road R.W.J. Keay FHI 007555-2 26/06/1944
Forest Hill, in Rest House Compound J. Olorunfemi FHI 0031502 13/101/1958
Arboretum Forest Research Ibadan H. Donyeachum FHI 0054745 07/01/1965
Forest Research Headquarters’ compound, Ibadan. M.G. Latilo FHI 043899-1 15/03/1960
Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S, Irwin & Barneby Zaria Railway Side G. Jochson UIH 14264 30/11/1972
Near Pond on New Site Bayero University, Kano J. Lowe UIH 20470 02/12/1984
Salka, West of Kontagora.
Back of Physics R.M. Blench UIH 19595 Nov-81
Department, UI P.P. Adeonipekim UIH 21713 14/12/1991
Kusoji Mokwa-Kontagora Road Sharma UIH 20978 19/09/1977
Zaria-Kano Road Sharma UIH 20952 04/09/1977
Senna polyphylla (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby In front of main library, Botany University of Ibadan J.O. Inegbedion UIH 6630 09/11/1977
Garden of British Deputy High Commissioner, Bodija, Ibadan J. Lowe UIH 18573 10/04/1979
Akwanga Keffi Road S.O. Oyewole UIH 19050 Nov-75
Senna surathensis (Brum. F.). Irwin & Barneby Gambari Forest Reserve, Teak Plantation Area Mr A. Adebambo FHI 0108182 14/12/2007
University of Ibadan, Botanical Gardens M.G latilo FHI 0043497 23/10/1959
Ibadan University Medical College (U.M.C) Compound Tree R.W.J. Keay FHI 0025685 14/03/1950

Table 2: Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and locality used for morphological and phytochemical studies
OTUs Species Locality
1 Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Pers.) Greene Behind Botanical Garden, University of Ibadan, Ibadan
2 Senna hirsuta (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Agric Farm, University of Ibadan
3 Senna alata (L.) Roxb. Abadina, shoe maker junction and front of Zik Hall, both inside University of Ibadan Campus
4 Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Barika, Agbowo, Opposite University of Ibadan second gate
5 Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Besides Agric Farm University of Ibadan
6 Cassia fistula L. Department of Botany, University of Ibadan
7 Cassia sieberiana DC. Department of Agronomy, University of Ibadan
8 Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Bank of Ajibode River, Behind Botanical Garden, University of Ibadan
9 Senna polyphylla (Jacq.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby Department of Botany, University of Ibadan
10 Senna surattensis (Burm. F.). Irwin & Barneby Botanical Garden, University of Ibadan

Table 3: Qualitative macro-morphological characters of species in Cassiinae
Character Chamarcrista rotundifolia Senna hirsuta Senna alata Senna occidentalis Senna siamea Cassia fistula Cassia sieberiana Senna obtusifolia Senna polyphylla Senna surattensis
Leaflet shape
Asymmetrically sub-rotund
to broad obovate
Ovate to
Oblong to
Ovate to
Leaflet margin Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire
Leaflet apex Round/mucronate Acutely
Rounded Aute or acuminate Rounded Acute Subacute Acute Rounded Bluntly
Leaflet base Asymmetrical Acute or round Obliquely truncated
or semi-cordate
Obtuse Rounded to
Cuneate Rounded or
broadly cuneate
Cuneate to acute Rounded to
Cuneate to
surface above
Ciliate Villous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous and
Paler and rarely
Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous
Pubescent Villous Carinate Dull glabrous Rough to
Glabrous Glabrous Pubscent Glabrous Appressed
Leaflet texture Membranous Chartaceous Chartaceous Membranous Sub coriaceous Sub coriaceous Sub coriaceous Membranous Chartaceous to
Chartaceous to
Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate Pinnate
Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate
Leaf forms Pinnately compound Pari pinnately
Pari pinnately
Pari pinnately
Pari pinnately
Pari pinnately
Pari pinnately
Pari pinnately
Even pinnately
Pari pinnately
Petiole Round Stout Terete Subterete Slightly grooved Round Elliptic,ovate,
Round Pubscent Sturdy
Petiole surface N/A Villous Pubscent Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Finely pubescent Glabrous Pubscent Glabrous
Stipule shape Lanceolate -cordate Triangular Asymmetrically
Lanceolate Subulate Deltoid Narrowly triangular Linear Subulate Linear falcate
Stipule surface Fallacious Densely
Glabrous Glabrous Pubscent Glabrous Caducous Membranous Glabrous Pubscent
Floral gland Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent Present Present Present
Bract Persistent Dischitous Obovate Lanceolate Obovate Ovate Linear lanceolate Linear acute Ovate acute Ovate acute
Bracteole Present Present Absent Absent Absent Present Present Absent Absent Present
Sepal shape Lanceolate Obovate/rounded Obovate Ovate Rounded-ovate Ovate, blunt Elliptical Ovate Ovate Ovate to orbicular
Sepal surface Ciliate Membranous-
Membranous Membranous Pubscent Glabrous Slightly pubescent Membranous Membranous Glabrous
Petal shape Obovate Obovate Obovate to
Obovate to
Orbicular to
Obovate Elliptical or ovate Ovate, obtuse
or round
Ovate Ovate to oblong
Petal surface Glabrous Membranous to
Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous to
Character Chamarcrista rotundifolia Senna hirsuta Senna alata Senna occidentalis Senna siamea Cassia fistula Cassia sieberiana Senna obtusifolia Senna polyphylla Senna surattensis
Stigma type Lateral Terminal Involute Lateral Subtermin,
Punctiform Terminal/
Terminal Subterminal Lateral
Style apex Glabrous Short Pruinose Glabrous Stout Sturdy Slender Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous
Anther shape Linear oblong Curved/beaked Curved, swollen
and long
Curved Long and nearly straight Long
(longitudinal rim)
Base knob like Lateral ridged Equal and straight
with lateral
longitudinal rim
Filament Very short Flat winged Long Long Long Long (towards
the middle)
Longer exceeding Slender and
glabrous the petal
Curved Thick and
Stamen Unequal Erect Broadly elliptical Erect Glabrous Curved Unequal Beaked and
same size
Curved Thick glabrous
Pedicel Filiform Pubscent Sparely pubescent Pubscent Sturdy Elongated Deflexed lower Thinly pubescent Long Sparsely pubscent
Ovary Ovary Tomentose Grooved Appressed Stipitate Thinly appressed Stipitate Strigulate Stipitate Curved
Fruit colour Blackish brown Brown Dark brown Dark brown Brown Dark brown Dark brown -black Brown Brown Brown
Fruit shape Linear oblong Flat and angular
Winged and
Subterete and
sickle shaped
Flat Terete Straight and terete Terete Flat Flat
Fruit surface Glabrous Ribbed hirsute Chartaceous Densely hirsute Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous Glabrous
Elastically dehiscent
valve coiling
Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Indehiscent Indehiscent Indehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent
Racemose Paniculate Racemose Paniculate Paniculate Racemose Racemose Racemose Paniculate Racemose
Axillary Axillary or
rarely terminal
Axillary Axillary and terminal Dense corymb Axillary/terminal Axillary Axillary/ solitary Axillary Axillary
Seed colour Pale brown Dark olive Brown Brown Light brown Glossy brown Brown Glossy dark brown Dark brown Blackish smooth
Seed shape Rhomboid to rectangular Ovate Obovate Oval Flat or oval Flatten/transverse,
Ellipsoid Septate/rhomboid Oval Flattened
Number of
seeds per lobe
Small seeds 50-80 20-35 25-35 20-30 40-100 Many 20-50 10-20 20-35

Table 4: Quantitative macro-morphological characters of selected species in Cassiinae
Taxa Leaflet length Leaflet width Rachis length Petiolule length Blade length Length/width ratio Blade/rachis ratio
Chamaecrista rotundifolia 1.42±0.09 0.96±0.07 0.00±0.00 0.34±0.02 4.02±0.24 1:01 N/A
Senna hirsuta 5.01±0.38 2.28±0.14 12.04±0.79 0.11±0.01 10.98±0.69 3:02 6:07
Senna alata 13.62±2.66 6.61±0.80 25.53±2.52 0.18±0.03 30.37±3.75 7:04 16:13
Senna occidentalis 4.96±0.27 1.93±0.11 11.60±0.61 0.17±0.02 11.49±0.51 3:02 1:01
Senna siamea 4.67±0.89 1.79±0.13 15.89±5.20 0.23±0.03 11.13±1.76 3:01 3:04
Cassia fistula 10.13±0.31 5.13±0.13 24.97±6.23 0.53±0.01 24.68±0.78 2:01 1:01
Cassia sieberiana 4.89±0.59 2.39±0.28 15.77±2.51 0.41±0.04 11.93±1.18 3:02 3:04
Senna obtusifolia 2.33±0.63 1.36±0.40 4.52±0.75 0.18±0.03 5.49±1.77 2:01 1:01
Senna polyphylla 0.67±0.04 0.37±0.02 3.76±0.38 0.00 ±0.00 1.57±0.03 1:01 1:02
Senna surattensis 5.25±0.80 2.57±0.36 12.95±0.15 0.25±0.05 12.75±1.20 3:2 1:1
Mean value±Standard Error of the Mean

Table 5: Qualitative leaf micro-morphological characters of species in the Cassiinae
Cell shape Stomata type Anticlinal wall pattern Cell wall striation Trichome Crystal
Chamaecrista rotundifolia Irregular Irregular Anomocytic Anomocytic Undulate Undulate - - + + - -
Senna hirsuta Irregular Irregular Anomocytic Anisocytic Straight and curved Undulate + - + + - -
Senna alata Irregular Irregular Anisocytic Anomocytic Undulate Curved - + + - - -
Senna occidentalis Polygonal Polygonal Anisocytic Anisocytic Straight and curved Straight and curved + - - + - -
Senna siamea Polygonal Polygonal Paracytic and anisocytic Anisocytic Straight Straight + - + + + -
Cassia fistula Polygonal Polygonal Absent Absent Straight Straight - + - - + -
Cassia sieberiana Polygonal Polygonal Absent Anisocytic Straight Straight - - - - - -
Senna obtusifolia Irregular Irregular and polygonal Anisocytic Anisocytic Curved Curved - - + - -
Senna polyphylla Irregular Polygonal Anisocytic and
Anisocytic and
Undulate Straight + - - - - -
Senna surattensis Polygonal Irregular anomocytic Anisocytic Straight Straight and curved - - + + + -
AB: Abaxial, AD: Adaxial, +: Present and -: Absent

Table 6: Quantitative leaf micro characters of species in Cassiinae
Number of cells/×400
area of view
Epidermal cell length (μm) Epidermal cell width (μm) Stomatal density per ×400
area of view
Stomatal length (μm) Stomatal width (μm) S.I (%)
1 10.75±3.99 125.25±9.08 28.93±1.90 31.25±1.72 23.13±0.82 25.10±0.53 53.25±5.18 45.25±4.43 1.70±0.05 4.94±0.66 1.33±0.05 1.28±0.03 81.31 66.17
2 140.25±11.76 222.75±8.44 29.75±1.56 30.00±1.86 25.75±1.29 22.75±1.02 39.00±3.34 126.00±7.91 2.48±0.04 2.40±0.08 1.68±0.11 1.88±0.16 55.91 90.14
3 191.75±6.71 291.25±9.62 23.25±1.97 16.00±1.19 22.25±1.84 14.00±0.41 79.00±3.60 172.00±12.44 2.20±0.06 2.18±0.15 1.40±0.18 1.20±0.06 75.49 91.88
4 164.50±8.10 218.00±9.85 29.75±1.60 31.25±1.41 26.50±1.07 30.25±1.26 67.75±4.75 119.75±5.87 2.08±0.13 2.13±0.10 1.35±0.06 1.20±0.05 72.86 88.76
5 222.25±14.12 298.00±50.65 28.25±1.35 26.25±2.30 21.25±1.76 19.25±2.08 19.50±6.13 45.50+8.69 2.03±0.10 2.18±0.09 1.3±0.06 1.33±0.07 20.42 40.94
6 340.0±23.31 314.75±9.14 23.00±1.33 24.25±1.58 13.25±0.38 15.25±1.20 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
7 338.25±17.45 381.00±17.87 13.00±0.73 18.75±2.02 12.00±0.33 11.25±0.42 Absent 12.00±1.66 Absent 2.45±0.09 Absent 1.10±0.06 Absent 7.68
8 156.25±14.21 191.50±15.18 30.75±1.45 4.89±1.55 19.75±1.15 24.00±1.00 55.25±4.87 42.00±7.91 1.23±0.08 1.80±0.10 0.35±0.04 0.17±0.06 66.51 43.19
9 256.25±0.31 248.50±0.20 25.25±0.06 24.75±0.16 10.00±0.09 23.75±0.14 66.75±0.22 79.75±0.39 2.35±0.15 2.13±0.19 1.1±0.13 1.23±0.14 52.6 61.27
10 192.25±13.65 280.75±12.55 28.75±1.08 30.25±2.05 25.25±0.73 27.50±1.55 9.25±2.47 118.50±4.65 2.73±0.08 2.50±0.14 2.13±0.09 1.40±0.06 12.02 74.85
AB: Abaxial, AD: Adaxial, S.I (%): Stomatal index percentage and OTUs: Operational taxonomic units represents each species studied

Table 7: Qualitative phytochemical characters of species in the Cassiinae
Chamaecrista rotundifolia + + + + + + + - + + - + -
Senna hirsuta + + + + + + + - + + - + -
Senna alata + + + + + + + - + + + + -
Senna occidentalis + + + + + + + - + + - + -
Senna siamea + + + + + + + + + + - + -
Cassia fistula + + + + + + + - + + - + -
Cassia sieberiana + + + + + + + - + + - + -
Senna obtusifolia + + + + + + + - + + - + -
Senna polyphylla + + + + + + + + + + + + -
Senna surattensis + + + + + + + + + + + + -
SAP: Saponins, ALK: Alkaloids, FLA: Flavonoids, TAN: Tannins, COM: Coumarins, STD: Steroids, TPD: Terpenoids, CARD: Cardiac glycosides, PHL: Phenols, QUN: Quinones, GLY: Glycosides, PSD: Phyto-steroids, ANTH: Anthraquinones, -: Absent and +: Present

Table 8: Quantitative phytochemical characteristics of species in Cassiinae
Taxa Saponins (%) Flavonoids (mg/g) Alkaloids (%) Tannins (mg/g) Phenols (mg/g)
Chamaecrista rotundifolia 2.57 26.78±0.38 17.05 3.20±0.07 6.76±0.04
Senna hirsuta 1.09 20.23±0.31 18.1 2.61±0.03 2.99±0.06
Senna alata 2.19 42.31±0.44 8.62 5.46±0.02 11.97±0.07
Senna occidentalis 1.55 34.05±0.38 10.95 4.32±0.03 4.99±0.04
Senna siamea 1.1 32.83±0.26 27.7 2.35±0.02 4.84±0.06
Cassia fistula 1.95 30.91±0.38 25.4 2.67±0.03 6.36±0.06
Cassia sieberiana 5.75 46.87±0.31 0.7 11.69±0.00 24.38±0.04
Senna obtusifolia 1.5 26.21±0.62 14.05 3.79±0.03 7.01±0.04
Senna polyphylla 3.25 32.19±0.38 10.45 7.13±0.04 14.84±0.03
Senna surattensis 4.9 34.47±0.31 21.4 10.40±0.00 19.26±0.04

Phytochemical analysis: Table 7 and 8 show the qualitative and quantitative phytochemical characters evaluated for species in the subtribe Cassinae. Results from qualitative analysis indicated the presence of phytochemical metabolites such as saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, steroids, terpenoids, phenols, quinones and phyto-steroids in all ten species studied. Other organic metabolites such as glycosides were present in Senna alata, Senna polyphylla and Senna surattensis. While cardiac glycosides were present in Senna Siamea, Senna polyphylla and Senna surattensis. The quantity of phytochemical metabolites examined ranges from highest to lowest in the following phytochemical compounds; saponins (5.75-1.09%)], alkaloids (25.40-0.70%), flavonoids (47.44-26.07 mg/g), tannins (11.69-2.31 mg/g) and phenols (4.74-24.44 mg/g).

Cluster and principal component analysis: Figure 4 is dendrogram showing the phenetic relationship among studied species using morphological characters along four groups were produced. Group 1 contains Chamaecrista rotundifolia only, group 2 contains Senna polyphylla, S. obtusifolia and S. surattensis. Group 3 contains C. fistula, S. siamea and C. sieberiana, while group 4 contains S. hirsuta, S. alata and S. occidentalis. However, Fig. 5 shows phenetic relationship among species using average linkage analysis of anatomical characters. the dendrogram for anatomical characters produced for groups. Group one contains C. fistula, S. siamea and S. sieberiana. Group two contains S. Polyphylla only, group three contains S. occidentalis and S. surattensis, group four contains only C. rotundifolia while group five contains S. obtusifolia, S. hirsuta and S. alata. Figure 6 shows phenetic relationship of phytochemical characters. The dendrogram produced contains four groups. Group 1 (S. hirsuta, C. rotundifolia and S. obtusifolia), group 2 (S. siamea, S. occidentalis and C. fistula), group 3 (C. sieberiana) and group 4 (S. alata, S. polyphylla and S. surattensis). The dendrograms produced in Fig. 7 illustrates the clustering of 10×96 data matrix of all data evaluated in the three data sets (morphology, anatomy and phytochemistry). Three clusters were formed. Cluster 1 contains Cassia fistula and Cassia sieberiana. Cluster 2 contains Chamaecrista rotundifolia alone. Cluster 3 contains Senna hirsuta, Senna alata, Senna polyphylla, Senna occidentalis, Senna siamea, Senna obtusifolia and Senna surrattensis. The three clusters formed represent the three genera (Cassia, Senna and Chamaecrista).

Fig. 4: Dendrogram showing phenetic relationship among species
of the Cassiinae using average linkage analysis of
morphological characters

Fig. 5: Dendrogram showing phenetic relationship among species
of the Cassiinae using average linkage analysis of anatomical

Fig. 6: Dendrogram showing phenetic relationship among species
of the Cassiinae using average linkage analysis of
morphology, anatomy and phytochemical characters

Fig. 7: Dendrogram showing phenetic relationship among species
of the Cassiinae using average linkage analysis of
morphology, anatomy and phytochemical character

Fig. 8: Two-dimensional model of principal component analysis (PCA) obtained
from the ordination of principal component axis of I, II, III and IV for
96×10 morphological, anatomical and phytochemical data matrix.
Numbers 1 to 10 corresponds to OTUs as in Table 2

Table 9: Squared Euclidean distance proximity matrix for 10×96 scored characters in ten species of Cassiinae
OTU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 13.30792
3 15.01758 11.96474
4 12.56871 11.11334 12.02288
5 14.3244 12.16883 12.96011 10.61969
6 16.85361 15.97632 15.38459 14.23571 11.62061
7 17.19873 15.0766 14.93372 14.46792 11.63 13.11997
8 13.62632 13.12539 13.03021 12.25797 12.12502 15.27391 14.71405
9 15.05855 14.82971 14.38228 12.90279 12.97197 16.10664 14.65222 13.81268
10 15.89423 14.22384 14.80636 12.85518 11.52693 15.06101 14.03293 11.93223 13.82951

Figure 8 showing two-dimensional model of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) obtained from the ordination of principal component axis of I, II, III, IV for 96×10 morphological, anatomical and phytochemical data matrix. Numbers 1 to 10 correspond to OTUs as in Table 2. The OTUs that occurred in each of the axes of the chart include; axis I contains OTUs 5, 6 and 7 (Senna siamea, Cassia fistula and Cassia sieberiana), axis II contains OTUs 8, 9 and 10 (Senna obtusifolia, Senna polyphylla and Senna surattensis), axis III contains OTUs 4 (Senna occidentalis) and axis IV contains OTUs 1, 2 and 3 (Chamaecrista rotundifolia, Senna hirsuta and Senna alata). Although almost all OTUs in each axis were not in clusters, they still appeared on the same axis or group. The squared euclidean distance proximity matrix for 10×96 characters in ten species in the Cassiinae was shown in Table 9. The Eigen values, variance and cumulative variance percentage for ten character matrix was shown in Table 10 using the combined data sets from anatomical, morphological and phytochemical features. Eigen value was highest in OTU 5 (9.31) and variance percentage was highest in OTU 4 (9.50%), followed by OTU 5 (8.10%).

Table 10: Eigen values, variance and cumulative variance percentage for ten (10) OTU character matrix
OTU Eigen value Variance (%) Cumulative variance (%)
1 3.86E+01 3.36E+01 33.55286
2 2.21E+01 1.92E+01 52.76888
3 1.18E+01 1.03E+01 63.02281
4 1.09E+01 9.50E+00 72.52192
5 9.32E+00 8.10E+00 80.62228
6 7.36E+00 6.40E+00 87.02477
7 5.82E+00 5.06E+00 92.08324
8 4.97E+00 4.32E+00 96.40352
9 4.14E+00 3.60E+00 100
10 2.53E-30 2.20E-30 100

Table 11: Key to the species in the subtribe Cassiinae in Nigeria
1a Herb shrub or tree with leaves pari pinnately compound, inflorescence raceme, venation pinnate, margin, entire, leaflet arrangement alternate…………………………………………………….……………..……………………1
2 Trees woody, with more than 10 m in height, bracteole present, leaf base rounded to broadly cuneate, leaf texture coriaceous, fruit indehiscent, leaf apex acute……………………………………………………..…1. Cassia fistula
2 Leaf base rounded to cuneate, leaf texture coriaceous, fruit indehiscent leaf apex subacute ……………………………………… …………...………………....,,,…..…............................…2. Cassia sieberiana
3 Tree or shrub with less than 10 m in height with woody or herbaceous stem……………………...………………...3
4 Bract shape obovate, bracteole absent, pedicel sparsely pubescent, cardiac glycosides present…………………………………… …………………………………………..………………3. Senna siamea
4 Bract shape obovate, bracteole absent, pedicel sparsely pubescent cardiac glycosides absent ……….……………………………….… ………………………………………………………...……4. Senna alata
5 Shrub with over 5 m in height………………………………………………………….…………………………….5
6 Glycosides present, anticlinal wall pattern straight, inflorescence position fascicle ……………………………………………………...……… …..………….................................…5. Senna polyphylla
6 Glycosides present, anticlinal cell wall pattern straight and curved inflorescence position solitary……………………………………………………………………………….......….........6. Senna surattensis
7 Herb equal to 2 m in height herbaceous……………………………………..….……………………………………7
8 Stipule shape linear, stigma terminal, seed shape rhomboidal, epidermal cell shape irregular leaf surface above villous ……………………………………………………………………………..…………………7. Senna hirsuta
8 Stipule shape linear, stigma terminal, seed shape rhomboidal, epidermal cell shape irregular, leaf surface above glabrous………………………………….………………………..………………………...….…8. Senna obtusifolia
1b Shrub or herb with leaves pinnately compound, inflorescence raceme, venation pinnate, margin entire, leaflet arrangement alternate…………………………...…………………………………………...……………………….9.
9 Shrub or herb equal or less than 2 m height ……………………………………………………...…...………….….9
10 Petal shape obovate, dehiscent, fruits, pedicel pubescent, …………..………………...…….…9. Senna occidentalis
10 Petal shape obovate, elastically dehiscent valve coiling fruit, pedicel filiform, ……………………………………...…………………………… …………….……10. Chamaecrista rotundifolia

The least value was obtained in OTU 3 as 1.03%. Cumulative variance was highest in OTUs 9 and 10, weighing a 100% each. Table 11 shows the key to the identification of species constructed based on characters of OTU evaluated in this work. It is important to create a very simple taxonomic key for identification and better understanding of shared or apomorphic characters.


The morphological, anatomical and phytochemical characters used for this study revealed the extent of variation and proved to be taxonomically relevant in the delimitation of selected taxa. The combination of characters from floral, vegetal, anatomy and phytochemical metabolites is employed to better understand the phenetic relationship among members of the subtribe Cassiinae. In Table 4-6 the dendrograms produced confirmed that taxonomic classification approaches do not rely on just morphological data but need to be used in combination with a wide variety of characters from different scientific fields to delimit and classify a particular taxon. Morphological data has been used successfully in combination with pollen characters to delimit the subtribe Cassinae19. The most informative morphological data sets identified in this work produced a great range of similarities. The PCA identified distinctiveness characters such as stomata index, stomata density, filament length, petal shape, bract shape, nature of ovary, leaf base and anther contributing about 33.6% to the delimitation, while style apex, fruit width, pedicel, sepal surface and sepal shape contributed about 19.2%. The results in this work correspond with research on important morphological characters in several species of Cassiinae in South-Western Nigeria20. It is of interest to note that each data set analyzed separately which includes morphology, anatomy and phytochemical characters was not able to delimit the subtribe in isolation as shown in Fig. 4-6. In this study cluster analysis and principal component analysis are two component analytical tools used to trace relationships among members of the Cassiinae clade. The revelation of marked differences in the dendrogram produced for morphological, anatomical and phytochemical characters assessed is a strategic indication that one data character alone is insufficient to make a taxonomic conclusion that a particular group shares the same ancestral traits. The combination of multiple data characters was essential in the delimitation and classification of the groups. A similar approach was obtained in the numerical taxonomy of species of the subtribe Cassiinae reported by Kolawole et al.21. The difference in the clusters produced for phytochemical characters is a result of the different chemical affinity among studied taxa22. Results obtained from the combined data for morphology, anatomy and phytochemical characters produced a dendrogram that agreed with the taxonomic treatment of the subtribe by Irwin and Barneby8 separating the species into distinct genera. This implies Cassia species, Senna species and Chamaecrista species are distinct genera and should be treated as such consequently supporting the polyphyletic nature of the subtribe. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows the following morphological characters contributed more to the closeness or affinity in the relationship among taxa petal shape, fruit length, bract, anther, leaf base, style and pedicel. The results also supported the report by the Legume Phylogeny Working Group on the Legume phylogeny and classification in the 21st century23. Hence qualitative floral morphological characters contributed more to delimitation and relationship among groups in this study. In the case of anatomical characters, the PCA analysis reveals that the anticlinal walls on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces, stomata density on adaxial and abaxial surfaces, stomata indices on adaxial and abaxial surfaces and petiolule vascular bundle shapes were a contributor to the variation among the taxa. The PCA analysis for phytochemical characters revealed that saponins were a major contributor to similarity in the group. Thus, phytochemical metabolic variations are significant characters in the classification of plants.


This research therefore has confirmed the autonomy and classifications of members of the subtribe Cassiinae into three generic categories using a combined data set which serves as a reliable database for natural classification of members of the group and suggests further findings by combining gross morphological and molecular data sets. This study has affirmed the importance of using multiple data sets to delimit members of a taxonomic clade. It is clear from the dendrogram produced for combined 10×96 data matrix for morphology, anatomy and phytochemical features that the systematic combination and analysis of data could serve as potentially significant criteria for identification but not a reliable delimitation tool when used in isolation for classification. The combination of the three data sets produced corresponding results similar to previous works on the subtribes and formed a reliable basis for an identification key.


This study aimed to determine the taxonomic relationships among selected species in the subtribe cassiinae using the numerical taxonomic principles. The research objectives are focused on the evaluation of morphological and phytochemical character variations and determination of phenetic relationships among selected species in Cassiinae taxonomic key produced was relevant in the identification of the studied group. The findings in this work affirmed the importance of using multiple data sets to delimit members of a taxonomic clade. The combination of data sets from morphological, anatomical and phytochemical characters served as a reliable database for identification and natural classification. Further findings aimed to compliment and improve the traditional method of taxonomic delimitation used in this work is recommended.


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How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Onyinyechi, O., Ayodele, A. (2024). Morphologicaand Phytochemical Characterization of Cassiinae in Nigeria. Trends in Agricultural Sciences, 3(3), 274-295.

ACS Style
Onyinyechi, O.; Ayodele, A. Morphologicaand Phytochemical Characterization of Cassiinae in Nigeria. Trends Agric. Sci 2024, 3, 274-295.

AMA Style
Onyinyechi O, Ayodele A. Morphologicaand Phytochemical Characterization of Cassiinae in Nigeria. Trends in Agricultural Sciences. 2024; 3(3): 274-295.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Onyinyechi, Okpara, and Abiodun Ayodele. 2024. "Morphologicaand Phytochemical Characterization of Cassiinae in Nigeria" Trends in Agricultural Sciences 3, no. 3: 274-295.